Words can't explain the anger I feel whenever I see fake shoes. When I see these bootleg, wannabe, MO's, Bobo's, I just want to shit a brick. Ok, variant sneakers don't really piss me off that bad, but I just find it so funny when I see dudes who want to front and act like they're exclusive and such. It really makes me laugh that people really think that they're getting something really limited, a rare colorway, or what have you for so cheap. I remember when I worked at Finish Line and people would come in and laugh at the retail prices and proceed to tell me that they could "get them from their boy for cheaper." Well, I propose a question for these people who think they have such a hook-up, why do you even come to Finish Line then? Perhaps you know deep down that those sneakers are fake and now you just want to act like I have no clue about that shit. Anyway, enough of the venting. Time to post pictures of what brought me to this subject . . .
No animals were harmed in the destruction of these bootleg sneakers.
Keep it righteous.
Peace & Love.
- TM
PS Fake goods(which includes sneakers) help support terrorism.