So, today I decided that I would take you on a little adventure. This adventure consists of the highlights of yesterday. Fasten your seatbelts!!!
Since the summer usually entails late nights, me waking up late, missing breakfast, and going straight to lunch, the day started off with some Taco Bell . . .

I tried thinking outside of the bun and it didn't really work out so well . . .

Anyway, I dropped 'Ru back off at Wally World to pick-up his car as he plotted a scheme to take off with his car without paying since he had an extra set of keys. So, I proceeded to kick him out and tell him to roll with THE FLOW! Then, I jetted back home to some lovely gifts purchased by me for me . . .
Supremin' . . .

Should have picked one up at the concert awhile back, but I didn't feel like waiting in the cluster f!#%. Well, better late than never . . .

Not sure how many people can appreciate this next one, but I remember wanting this as a kid . . .

& making very good use of my German books . . .

So, after what seemed like a long, but short day in essence, I had to catch some rays and relax. So, I hit up the best looking British man that I know and kicked it with her at the pool. Damn, paparazzi got her . . .

So, after clearing off a whole population of ants and being mooned by little boys(no Michael Jackson), we went back to her place and watched some Mean Girls. We both came to the conclusion that Gretchen is definitely the best looking one of the Plastics.
Finally, for the nightcap . . .
"The farther we get away from the land, the greater our insecurity." - Henry Ford
Keep it righteous.
Peace & Love.
- TM